Activity Blitz presentations included:

1. Place Narrative Reflection and Photo Essay – Ayşenur Ataman 

2. Cultural Identity Maps: Practicing Awareness, Empathy & Community – Rachel Chapman 

3. Being Betsy DeVos: Bringing Politics into Developmental Psychology – Tanzina Ahmed 

4. Breaking the Ice by Mapping Connections – Kim Nguyen 

5. Facilitating Total Participation and Critical Thinking from Day One – Anne Kato 

6.  Ten TED Talk Thinking Tasks to Inspire Students’ Self-learning – Peri Yuksel

7.  Integrating Content Acquisition Podcasts into Psych 100 Courses – Maya Rose

8. Thinking Like a Scientist: The Vaccine-Autism Activity – Elizabeth Che, Valkiria Duran-Narucki, and Patricia J. Brooks 

9. Puzzling over the Abstract: Using the Jigsaw Technique to Help Students Read the Abstract of a Paper – Jessica Brodsky 

10. Promoting Metacognition through Classroom Demonstrations about Cognitive Phenomena – Teresa Ober 

11. Using Poster Presentations in an Undergraduate Experimental Psychology Class – Rita Obeid and Anna Schwartz 

12. Putting Operational Definitions in Context: A Teaching Activity for a Statistics Course – Karyna Pryiomka 

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Activity Blitz 2017