Apply to the mentorship program HERE

Deadline to apply for Fall 2017: June 15, 2017


  • Have a current appointment to teach.
  • A love for teaching and for exchanging ideas with peers (both supporting others with less experience and asking for support when you need it!)
  • A desire to be part of a grassroots campaign to support graduate student teachers in an environment where everyone has varying expertise and areas where they need to grow.

Participation Obligations:

1. Willing to communicate with your group members to answer questions about teaching (e.g. checking in with your group once a week). The expectation is that you respond to a question posed by your groupmates promptly. If you have nothing to say, write back and say that this is not your area of expertise, as a courtesy to your groupmates and to build trust! Share materials with each other including ideas for course set up and classroom management to syllabus design, textbook choice, classroom activities, scheduling, exam writing, grading/assessment, attendance, problem students, extra credit, change of grade requests, general campus and department policies, etc…). Please be responsive to all communications.

2. Willing to either go in person to observe your peers teach, welcome them into your classroom to observe you OR to record a small segment of your teaching for you to exchange feedback with each other. We have built a semi-private youtube channel for us to communally deposit 5-15 minute clips of our teaching in order to get feedback. This is scary, but well-document as the single best way to improve our practice. If we all record ourselves, either at home practicing or in class, then we will build up a database of short teaching clips that can serve as examples to future novices! We have a youtube channel and will give you instructions on how to use it if you choose this route!

3. Willing to try and make an in-person appointment with someone in your mentorship group (such as a getting a cup of coffee, meal or some other informal activity that suits you mutually) as close to the beginning of the semester as possible. Hopefully, the meeting will help you develop a sense of community with your peers and lead to future gatherings.

4.Willing to contribute resources such as activities, ppts, teaching strategies or other teaching materials such as campus specific information to our CUNYcommons web-page, which is only starting to grow and needs some help from YOU. This is a public resource, so if you are using somebody else’s work, make sure to cite!

NOTE: This is a 1 semester commitment, and once it is complete, you have the opportunity to roll over your mentorship position and be placed in a new group (possibly with some of the same participants!) Please contact us if you have any questions at [email protected]).

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GSTA Mentorship Network